Location: Coos Bay, Oregon, United States

Born in 1915,in North Bend, Oregon. I will be 93 years old on Aug 8, 2008. I graduated in 1940 from Colorado School of Mines as a Geologist. My first job out of college was working for an oil cdompany in the swamps out of Morgan City, Louisiana. In December 1940, I was drafted into the U.S. Army as a buck private. My year was almost up, when Pearl Harbor hit. They sent me to Officer Candidate School, where I became an officer at Ft. Belvoir in the Army Engineers., 4 years later, I left the service as a Captain. I then worked for HYumble Oil (Now Exxon-Mibil) in the Houson, Tx. office as a specialist in the study of underground oil and gas reserrves. In 1947 I returned to Coos Bay, Or. spent 19 years in the restaurant business, built a bowling alley, owned 3 service stations and 17 years in the real estate business. I retired at age 65 in 1980. I then got involved with the mining business in gold silver and zinc. Like the old saying, "what goes around, comes around." I started with mining and end up with mining. My wife, Kay and I celebrated our 65th Wedding Anniv. We have 3 fine kids, One girl and two boys.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

A beaitul view of North Bend, Oregon, looking East from the bluff by the Administration office. It is Father Karl's and George Gebhardt's dream that a small CHAPEL could be built in or near this location, (capacity 50 plus). It would be used for daily masses, small funerals etc.The very large and high ceiling Crusiform Style main church takes a lot more energy to heat. Mike Crow, the architect is drawing a sketch of a proposed chapel, to be discussed in the near future. Posted by Picasa


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